My sister is struggling with multiplication. What are some good ways to teach her? - multiplication learning games
My sister is in 4th Class, and she tries to learn the multiplication of some time. I've tried to teach with the repetition, online games, etc. are good strategies to remember solutions to difficult problems?
You can show the trick of multiplying a series of nine. Ex 4x9 is 36 If your hands and let his fourthfinger to make three in one hand and six on the other page 36 Just teach him tricks with pleasure, and there is no time!
If they know the basics (eg 5x3 is 5 sets 3) Then you can solve it alone.
But it is still annoying FAST. Multiplication is something that will be saved to be more effective in meeting the problems have to.
Enter a few tips:
2 are twice as much
3 can be counted by
5, so that when you say, time
I found this site: ...
Good luck!
Now think 7x8 always remember, because his 56 as 5,6,7,8.
Um ... make boxes as 5X4
and require that ax, and what else?
Flash memory card worked for me
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